Sorry, It’s a BAD HIRE!!

Dear Recruiter’s, how many times have you heard this famous line!!! Well, most of the recruiters might have heard it at least a few times, if not more. So what does this mean!! Who is responsible!! What are the impacts!! Loads of questions right!!! Well, through this post just thought to highlight this statement and the hidden meaning behind it. PS: Not here to point fingers, but just to understand the real reason behind this famous statement. You are at your work station, and suddenly a Delivery Manager comes and shouts “Who hired XYX, he is a bad hire”. So what will be your reaction!! Well, it depends on how you manage it. At times you can just say with a smile, we both have hired him. Jokes apart, we need to find out the real reason behind this statement.

So what do you think can be the reasons!! Let’s take a look at it.

– Employee joins your organization, and the very next day he is working on a project / client place. So in such cases employee is not briefed, no formal detailed induction, no breathing space etc. Hence it is bound to happen that they will have a tough time to adjust to a new environment. Will you term this employee as Bad Hire!!!

– Many a times it is noticed that once the employee joins, the manager hardly meet them. We understand that everyone is busy and working under tight deadlines, but this very person or employees is the reason that the project will run. The organization will earn revenue (Dollars). Is it not worth spending some quality time with them!!! Food for thought.

– Employees who are placed at client location often face some challenges, hence one needs to ensure that you hear to their issues. Again not all issues can be solved, but you can at least hear them out.

– Often have heard and seen clashes between Line Managers and HR teams. In case of Bad Hire the blame game starts. If you agree that it takes a team effort to make any company successful, then you need to also agree that the onus of a so called bad hire lies with both the parties.


Somehow I feel it’s a Fashion statement to use the term “Bad Hire”. Don’t forget that the person who you have hired, was working in some organization, and was being paid for it. He might find it tough to adjust or work as per your style or needs. But this does not mean that employee is a Bad Hire.

– Top Management will surely argue the cost of a Bad Hire. Well, I completely agree, but in that case also many stake holders are involved to take a hiring decision. Right from Delivery Managers, VP’s, Head of Functions etc. So who is responsible!!

– Some of you might say that let’s change the word from Bad Hire to Wrong Hire, well, that will not help. We need to change the way we look and treat such resources.

Often it is said that an HR needs to wear a Business Hat!! How about a Line Manager / Delivery Manager wearing a hat of an HR!!! What say!!!

So have you come across this situation!! How did you tackle it!! Do you agree with the term Bad Hire!!! Looking forward to your views, suggestions and feedback regarding this post.


Rambling Recruiter

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