LinkedIn Publishing Platform is not for Posting Jobs? Is it?

Before we get down to business and before all Recruiters start defending Posting Jobs on LinkedIn’s Publishing Platform, let’s know more about it first. Did you know that LinkedIn has been providing a publishing platform for 100 global influencers since 2012? And soon based on the success of it, in Feb 2014 LinkedIn announced that it was opening it up to another 25,000 members and then soon giving access to all its 300+ million users. I too was fortunate to be part of the first 25k users to get access to this amazing platform.


Ideally when LinkedIn must have thought to introduce this publishing platform, not sure if they might have thought that recruiters might end up posting jobs on it. You might say that what is wrong in that. Well, there is nothing wrong in posting jobs, but Publishing Platform’s main motto was to share your thoughts, insights and articles with your followers.

Off lately there have been many users who have got access to the Publishing Platform. It’s a great move by LinkedIn to encourage more users to start sharing their thoughts with their LinkedIn Community. It also helps you to increase traffic on your Profile and your blog too. All you need is to link it via LinkedIn Publishing Platform.

LinkedIn Publishing

Before the recruiting community starts getting into a debate, let me also say that even I am a Recruiter. Just like you even I am always looking for platforms that can help me post jobs and hire talent. But this particular platform is not meant to be used for posting jobs.  One should share their professional expertise with the world via this platform.

This is also a great place for first time bloggers to start sharing their experience with their LinkedIn community, increase their brand visibility and followers too. But the challenge is that LinkedIn itself can’t stop this, and they should also not do it. It’s upon the individuals to make the right use of this Publishing Platform.

So would you like to be an influencer by using LinkedIn Publishing Platform? If not, you are free to continue Posting Jobs.

Looking forward to your thoughts on this interesting development related to LinkedIn Publishing Platform.


Rambling Recruiter


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